Top Businesses We Insure in the Therapy & counseling
- Insurance for Art Therapists
- Mental Health Counselors Insurance
- Psychologist Insurance
- Insurance for Music Therapists
- Occupational Therapists Insurance
- Speech Therapists Insurance
- School Guidance Counselor Insurance
Is Insurance necessary for Therapists and Counselors?
As a practicing psychologist or mental health counselor, you have spent years developing professional clinical skills to help people with their life challenges and mental health problems. Your career also puts you at risk for liabilities and claims that could leave your practice in serious jeopardy. You are an extremely talented individual, but your profession also puts you at risk of professional liability claims, that could diminish your practice's profits.
Insurance for psychologists and mental wellness counselors protects your practice, while you rest assured knowing you have appropriate insurance.
Who needs Therapist Insurance?
As a certified therapist, you're vulnerable to certain risks, which is why insurance for therapists is so crucial. When your clients say they have been harmed by your work, you'll likely end up being the target of a lawsuit. Disappointed customers could sue you when they don't see the forward progress they expect, or for a slip and fall injury, that occurs while they are walking in your office space. Having insurance coverage to defend you and your business against liability claims or suits will go a long way to protecting your therapy business.
These specific circumstances demonstrate that your selected therapy insurance can be customized to suit your requirements. You value your patients and want to provide nothing but the best for them. However, the therapy industry may be deemed to be highly subjective, and a heated mood can interfere with the rational decision-making and logic necessary to produce sound treatment plans. It's critical to protect your practice and your professional services by obtaining therapy liability insurance.
Types of Professionals Needing Therapist Insurance
Your pet care business can experience both physical property damage and liability risks that are specific to your field. Any disruption to your business's revenue stream may make it difficult for your business to survive. Appropriate insurance will help preserve your business so you can continue to care for the pets you love. Like other companies, pet care businesses need to anticipate potential property damaging hazards, including fires, tornadoes, wind storms, riots, and so forth. Any business should also take thefts and burglaries into consideration. For a pet care business, here are examples of where things might go wrong.
- Family Counselors
- Hypnotists
- Marriage Counselors
- Mental Health Counselors
- Psychiatrists
- Psychologists
- Social Workers
Insurance policies suggested for Therapists
Professional liability insurance
Professional liability insurance may also be known as Malpractice or Errors and Omissions insurance, and it shields professionals and businesses from payment of liability verdicts from customer liability lawsuits against them.
A simple error, such as a therapist failing to clarify a clinical issue, can result in major legal repercussions. If a client files a lawsuit, your small practice must defend itself against the claims.
This policy gives protection related to professional liability claims of:
- Poor advice or guidance resulting in harm to a client
- Accusations of negligence
- Mistakes or oversights
- Breaking confidentiality
Coverage provided by professional liability
Poor advice or guidance
Inaccurate advice has the potential to cause a physical therapy practitioner to have a legal issue. As an example, a rehabilitation center may recommend a patient return to the workplace before the client is fully healed and prepared. If that patient returns to work and sustains a personal injury or injures someone else, the therapist may encounter a lawsuit.
Lawyer's fees, settlement fees, verdicts, judgments, and legal expenses can all be covered via professional liability insurance when a client or other party alleges that your professional services caused harm to them.

Accusations of negligence
Speech therapists, faith-based counselors, and other therapy and counseling professionals face a high risk of negligence claims. Therapists can face claims that they failed to prevent a relapse in substance abuse counseling, and religious counselors may be accused by a family of failing to prevent an individual’s suicide. If a client files a claim, professional liability insurance can shield your practice with legal defense provided and pay compensation.
Mistakes or oversights
A malpractice allegation or false accusation by a third party would result in a costly lawsuit for a professional. Just like other accusations or allegations, this policy will cover settlement costs, visits to lawyers, and other legal expenses due to a negligence allegation.
General liability insurance
General liability insurance coverage handles types of third-party liabilities that your corporation might face, including personal injury claims, property damage, and advertising injury liability. It's also to avoid the high costs of lawsuits coming out of the business’s bottom line.
Whether you run a dance studio or a psychology practice, your work involves dangerous situations daily that could lead to a lawsuit. Any of your customers could slip and fall at your practice, or a patient could fall and break an arm due to a tripping hazard at your practice.
General liability insurance insures your company for:
- Client injuries
- Client property damage
- Advertising Injuries
Coverage provided by General Liability
Client injuries
You're at risk of legal action if a client or delivery person slips and falls at your clinic, which may result in monetary losses for you. If a lawsuit is filed, you would have to pay for an attorney to defend you against the suit and pay the resulting verdict. General liability insurance covers:
- Liability for medical bills, economic loss
- Attorney’s fees
- Court-ordered judgments
- Funeral expenses in fatal incidents
Client property damage
An art therapist, wellness counselor, or other therapy and counseling professional may need to address the property of their clients while interacting with them, and many items could become damaged in the process. Your practice may be held accountable if someone else’s property is damaged or misplaced. General liability insurance can pay for:
- Repair of a damaged item
- Replacement of a destroyed or lost item
- Legal fees from a property damage lawsuit
Advertising injury
When marketing your business and its services to prospective clients, you can inadvertently use a competitor's slogan or logo. General liability insurance will cover advertising liability, including:
- Defamation of character, both libel (written) and slander (spoken)
- Copyright infringement
- Improper use of a trademark
You need to secure this insurance coverage if you plan to publicize your clinic using Twitter or any other social media platform.
Workers’ compensation insurance
Workers' compensation insurance covers the related costs for workers who are injured or disabled while on the job. This policy is required in most states for businesses that have a certain number of employees.
An employee may fall, report a repetitive motion injury or get in an accident while running an errand for the business, all are possibilities for employee injury. Given the high price of medical treatment, even a minor injury can result in a considerable financial setback for a business.
Workers' compensation insurance pays for medical bills and a percentage of lost wages when employees are injured and unable to work, protecting your company from the responsibility of paying the statutory benefits.
Workers Compensation provides payment for:
- Immediate medical costs, such as emergency room expenses
- Ongoing medical costs, such as physical rehabilitation
- Partial lost wages while the employee is unable to work
Generally speaking, an employer's liability insurance policy is present in some worker's compensation policies, with its chief purpose being to provide defense when an employee sues their employer for negligence in causing an injury.
Employer’s liability insurance can help pay for:
- Attorney’s fees
- Court costs
- Settlements
Business owner’s policy
A business owner's policy (BOP) is a policy that includes general liability insurance and commercial property insurance. It may be more affordable to have one combined policy than to buy general liability and property insurance separately.
Coverage provided by Business owner’s policy
Damage to business property
The commercial property coverage of a business owner's liability insurance policy provides for the repair, and replacement, of property losses like damaged or stolen property of the business. It covers:
- Business property, like laptops and computers
- Specialized equipment
- Office furnishings and fixtures
- Business-owned building
- Business income loss
If your therapy and counseling business sustains damage after a fire, even one that started in another building, a BOP can reimburse you for the cost of repair and the lost revenue during the time the office can’t operate.
Loss of Business Income
If your practice or counseling institution is forced to close as a result of covered property damage to your building prohibiting normal operations, your BOP can compensate for lost income and extra expenses incurred to resume normal operations.
For example, a clinic might close down for a couple of weeks following a tornado because of building damage to the roof. Business interruption insurance, in most instances, compensates for the loss of revenue allowing your business to meet its ongoing operating expenses (including staff wages, rent, and utilities) while the clinic is closed for renovation.
Third-party injury and property damage
The general liability component of a BOP covers legal and financial costs related to third-party injury or property damage. As an example, it may provide coverage when:
- A client falls and sustains a back injury at your office
- Your office assistant accidentally damages a client’s laptop
- A visitor’s foot slips on ice and breaks a leg on your doorstep
Advertising injuries
The general liability part of a BOP additionally offers coverage for losses from advertising, such as:
- Defamation, including libel (written) and slander (spoken)
- Copyright infringement
As an example, if a professional therapist writes a negative review of a local competitor and your company is sued as a result of libel, a BOP may cover the resulting legal costs.